The same video but on Youtube.
Update: The lather test after almost a year later (July 2013 - May 2014).
While uploading the photos, I must have clicked on something wrong and unknowingly deleted the Youtube video that was here. I replaced it with a link and directly uploaded the video onto Blogger.
I didn´t really care for the strong aroma as a facial soap, hence, they sat wrapped up in my box for soaps. When I realized I didn´t do a follow up on the lather test. I took one into the shower and I just love it! It lathers great and gives a rich and creamy feel. For some reason the strong floral scent is pleasant in the shower since it wasn´t right there in my face but rather a subtle perfumed steam.
This recipe is a keeper. I´ll just have to keep in mind the concentration of the EO or FO used.